Underpin Way
Real Connect
With Sincere Technology,
Connecting People's Warm Hearts.

and areas
of business

With the theme of ‘Real Connect,
we want to create a world where we can empathize and
respect each other and connect people’s warm heart
with sincere IT technology.


Although modern people get information and make friends
easily to transcend the limits of time and space in the hyper connected society,
but they always live in anxiety, with loneliness, emptiness, and obsession.
This is probably because there is a connection through splendid and sophisticated technology,
but they only approach each other in a superficial way while hiding their true mind,
but there is not enough communication space where they can truly approach each other.
Without knowing where the emptiness comes from, they show endless interest in the flashy posts and
responses on their smartphones, but often ignore the more valuable values ​​and
meanings such as family, friends, colleagues, environment, and life.

Now, we need a space where people can truly express and
communicate with each other and sincerely empathize with each other.

Underpin is creating real connection platforms where people
can truly connect and care for each other.