

On The Real World 1:1 Mapping Virtual Land With Glocal Contents

On The Real World 1:1 Mapped Virtual Land With LBS Contents
Communicate with global users and make communities through short videos based on various topics.
All these activities take place on a real-world 1:1 mapped virtual land called KUBIC,
which is the basis of cultural and economic interactions.


Virtual land KUBIC connected to the real world,
We communicate globally through location-based content
Realizing cultural and economic values.


Share world culture
through location-based themed
shorts and meet 'Global Friends'
from around the World.

You can move Pins to locations
not only in your neighborhood
but also in other local and
international locations, watch shorts
from those locations and communicate
with people there via text and voice.


KUBIC is a virtual Meta-Land that exists
within the KEES

Own a KUBIC by uploading
a location-based shorts and receiving more than
200 likes or can be purchased for $5


In KEES, you can see the ownership
status of KUBIC, a Meta-Land mapped
to real-world locations.

As the value of KUBIC increases,
it can be traded through
an Auction & Trading system
Transaction of KUBIC
can also be done at
our website(
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X-WORLD, Virtual Life Crossed With
Real Life & Beyond Real World

Ultimately, what we want to do at KEES is advance the service
so the people can become creators who can create various 3D spaces
and have creative activities on KUBIC in the future,
and have creative activities on KUBIC in the future,
economic activities on KUBIC, a virtual land connected to reality.

We thought a lot about the limitations of the existing
metaverse and we judged that the biggest limitation is that the metaverse
is pursuing only one-time events or stimulating experiences
is difficult to have persistence and does not
lead to continuous and realistic benefits.

KEES's vision is that anyone can create
content on 2D virtual land KUBIC connected to reality
and communicate with users around the world based on it.
In KEES2, everyone can create their own 3D space on KUBIC in
2026 and 2027 and everyone can create content there.
The goal is to form a community and engage
in various cultural and economic activities.
Through Generative AI and its own AI, users will be able to create their own 3D assets (automatically build their own 3D world) by using KEES Builder that enables the construction of My World, such as buildings, structures, and nature. We call this step KEES2.

To emphasize again, KEES develops all of this based on a virtual land 'KUBIC' linked to the Real World and provides sustainable value. In KEES2, 2D connects with the Real World and performs practical cultural and economic activities, Furthermore, it’s a 3D world where you can think of infinite imaginations, A new world unfolds where the realms of reality and imagination coexist.

Existing popular metaverse platforms have been able to attract users' attention with new experiences but unfortunately they are fading away without maintaining persistence.

The limited entry of VR, high cost and lack of diverse content have declined the virtual world Decline of such metaverse platforms increases doubts about the future of the metaverse but AI is emerging as a promising technology in actual application field.

Although KEES is currently 2D, it is the initial platform for various activities on the virtual land KUBIC that connects to reality, It is our stance to prepare for the 3D world while accumulating know-how and technology through AI and considering cost control.

In KEES2, famous 3D spaces will be created and popular virtual real estate will be formed where many people gather. This is more attractive because it is connected to real land and land that lacks interest in reality can become valuable depending on the effort and under the influence, there will also be opportunities to re-create value in real land.

If in reality, the land was priceless but if the KUBIC in KEES were made very valuable on a specific topic by a specific creator, the virtual space could be constructed similar in real life to allow both online and offline to grow together.

In the era of KEES2 where it becomes possible to generate profit through X-World, where reality and virtual space intersect, more diverse creation and jobs can be created.

KEES will become a sustainable model because it is connected to the real world, not science fiction or an abstract concept far from reality. KEES will grow into a platform where ordinary users can achieve dreams that cannot be achieved in reality.

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